Sunday Roast at The Great Chase

In Britain, Sunday is a day for rest, relaxation, and crying out in audible agony at the working week ahead. This is an ingrained tradition, which mostly involves eating uncontrollably until you either drop dead or end up in hospital – (two perfectly valid excuses for avoiding work on Monday). For many, this begins with the mighty Sunday brunch, a meal that should be filled with enough fat and sugar to rupture your organs in one go. Occasionally though, brunch can fail to deal a sufficient blow to one’s health, and so, the people of Britain have in place a second opportunity at self destruction – the traditional Sunday Roast.

Alas, for halal diners, the opportunity to feast on one can be few and far between, and so, when The Great Chase informed us that they were looking to introduce a new Sunday Roast offering, my stomach practically herniated from the excitement. After settling in with Halal Gems and Haloodie Foodie on a cold Sunday afternoon, Steak and I prepared ourselves for what would hopefully be a meaty euthanasia.

The prize of the day was a roasted Aberdeen Angus sirloin joint – sourced from Hill Farm Finest, and served with beef dripping roast potatoes, carrot and swede mash, beef jus (marrow gravy), homemade yorkshire puddings, and a selection of roasted veg. Immediately, the thick and succulent slices of sirloin released a deep and bold flavour, which was elevated by the rich, savoury beef jus, and the sweet, creamy carrot and swede mash. The fat meanwhile, was crisp, yet tender, and melted away effortlessly into my own abdomen.

Roasted Aberdeen Angus Sirloin, beef dripping potatoes, carrot and swede mash, yorkshire puddings and  beef jus

Texturally, the beef dripping roast potatoes stole the show, with a flawless balance between the crisp outer layers, and the soft, thick cores. However, it was in fact the giant yorkshire puddings which finally convinced me that I had died and reached the gates of heaven, as the crisp yet fluffy body was akin to eating a jus-soaked cloud.

Of course, there are those who would shamelessly choose a roasted chicken over a roasted slab of beef, and as sinful as such an act may be, The Great Chase is hoping to cater for them too. The poultry alternative featured a corn-fed chicken breast, which boasted a wonderfully crisp, savoury skin, and a surprisingly tender texture.

Corn-fed chicken breast,beef dripping potatoes, carrot and swede mash, yorkshire puddings and  beef jus

Stuffed and paralysed, we left a message with our respective employers to say that we would be bed-bound for the rest of the week. Though not available just yet, the Sunday Roast menu at The Great Chase should be making its debut in the new year. No doubt, by then it will have seen some alterations and fine-tuning, and it is certainly one to keep an eagle eye out for. Sadly, I for one am now unsure as to whether I’ll be able to look at another Sunday Roast in quite the same way.

To read our full review of The Great Chase, click here.
To read about our brunch experience at The Great Chase, click here.

Halal status: All of the food here is halal and tayyib, and all drinks are non-alcoholic.

The Great Chase
Address: 316 St John Street, Clerkenwell, London EC1V 4NT
Telephone: 020 7998 0640

Disclaimer: We were invited to sample / preview the Sunday Roast menu at The Great Chase.


  1. Wow it looks amazing!!

    Why does anyone want Chicken when they can have Aberdeen Angus?

    Any idea how much a plate of Sunday roast (with Beef of course!) will cost?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha indeed – it borders on blasphemy! They’re still brainstorming how they’re going to deliver the Sunday roast menu (including pricing), and may be tweaking things before it launches, so unfortunately I can’t give you a definitive answer at this stage! Keep an eye on their social media for now, it should be launching sometime in the new year 🙂


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